The right supplements can level up your health from 'Feeling Good' to 'Feeling Great'. But, how do you find the right ones? And more importantly how do you find the ones that are right for you? At Unique Health, we don't leave this up to guesswork. With the help of specific pieces of labwork and a thorough history and exam, we can help you determine what will be right for you to not only improve your current ailments, but provide the right nutritional foundation to truly optimize your hormones and your health!
Navigating the world of supplements can be daunting, but making the right choices can be health-changing! Taking a multivitamin is great, but often using targeted supplements can be crucial in optimizing your health. At Unique Health, we dive deep into understanding your specific health needs through our consultation with you and specific labs that we measure. We recommend high-quality, science-backed supplements that are tailored to address your individual hormonal imbalances and overall health goals - No guesswork! Whether you need support in boosting your energy, improving your mood, or enhancing your physical performance, our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way.
Menopause can often come with some unpleasant symptoms such as mood swings, hot flashes, and fatigue. Thoughtful supplementation with herbs, vitamins, and minerals can help support hormonal balance and support the body's natural production of hormones. Supplements can often be used hand in hand with hormone replacement therapy to optimize wellbeing and minimize menopause symptoms.
Getting a good night's sleep is not always so easy. Did you know that gut health can actually significantly impact sleep?! So can not having the right balance of nutrients in our diet! We look at different contributing factors and assess your micronutrient and hormone levels status to improve it, helping get you that restful nights sleep you've been 'dreaming' of!
Fatigue can take a toll on so many different parts of our life. When we are too tired, we exercise less, tend to make poor food choices, have low libido, and may also have disrupted sleep. Supplementation can help to support you through your day, giving you more energy and bringing your body back into balance.
When the body's hormones, vitamins, and minerals aren't in balance, it can lead to changes in appetite, energy, stress, and other symptoms that can ultimately turn into weight gain. We look at specific labwork and a detailed history of your life style to determine if supplementation could help support your weight loss.
When experiencing symptoms like fatigue, poor sleep and weight gain, it often can affect libido as well. Supplements can play a role in helping rebalance hormones, and provide optimal amounts of nutrients that can have an impact on energy, sleep quality, gut health and other components of health that can have an impact on libido. Let's get you back to feeling like your younger self!
You should always speak with your healthcare provider prior to starting any sort of supplement regimen. It is also important to keep in mind that supplements are not designed to treat or cure any disease. With that being said, many supplements are considered safe. It is, however, important to do your research to make sure that the supplements you are looking to use are the right fit for you.
We have a few different supplement companies that we highly recommend due to their outstanding quality and bioavailability (the ability for the body to absorb them). These brands can be found on our STORE page of our website, or we can order for you and discuss specific supplements that may be beneficial to you at the time of your consultation!
Because you and your health are our #1 priority, we do not work with insurance providers. Through our decades of experience, we unfortunately have found that insurance often dictates treatments and treatment options, and that often does not correlate with what is truly best for the health of the patient. By not accepting insurance, we are able to spend more time with you and less time on the phone with insurance providers, allowing us to charge LESS for our services and provide more personalized, thoughtful care to you.
We do! We can obtain samples for labwork at the time of your consultation with us, and will go through all of the details of your results with you when they come in. No need for an extra trip to another lab!
We always recommend speaking with your primary care physician or pharmacist regarding any medications you are currently taking to make sure that the therapies we use will not interfere with their benefits. Some supplements can interfere with the effectiveness of medications, so this is something we can also thoroughly discuss at the time of your consultation.
Thank you so much for reaching out! We will be in touch with you as soon as possible!
Need a Supplement Refill? Check out our Store for links to our preferred Supplement vendors!
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